Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 41

Oh happiness! Another 1/2kg down! :)

I've been feeling rather sore in the gall bladder over the last week so I just had fruit for dinner last night [rasberry, blueberry & apple smoothie] & it seems to have sorted it out. Yay.

I went to gym on Monday as well as yesterday & I will most likely go again tomorrow...we're probably going to go and walk on Noordhoek beach this evening [with my brand new Canon G10 that arrived today!!] and take some photos & get some excersise in...

I found the HUGEST pineapples at Pick 'n Pay yesterday. Pineapples have to be one of my absolute best foods in the world. I bought 2.

Geoff gave me the most beautiful vintage swimsuit from 'Nostalgie' a few months back & I could just get into it [a little trouble breathing, but it is super gorgeous so I had to have it]...I put it on this afternoon to go for a swim & it fits me so well! I'm so pleased :)

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