Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 83

My scale is broken. Geoff stood on it funny when he got out the bath and it is officially at its end. Its probably better because it didn't work very well anyway!

We've been so incredibly busy busy busy so I've not had much time to blog...hence the catch-up on blog updates today (not that I really had time today, but I was missing my blog time...I even spent some time on Facebook & Twitter!!)

So its day 83 and I'm doing reasonably well. I don't know if I've lost any weight because I've been surfing instead of gyming so have been out of contact with measuring devices (+ aforementioned broken scale issue). The great thing though is that I'm fitting into clothes that were previously almost written off for lack of hope of fitting into them again.

I quite like what I'm seeing in the mirror too ;)
(plus I feel lighter on my surfboard which is always good!)

I'm still having issues with too much chocolate. I've had a tiny bit of flu & being unwell & the onset of winter mean that I have been craving comfort food. I've been quite good on the combining side of things. Its so hard not to have lovely fresh bread with a thick chunk of cheese...but I've not had any & the most difficult thing is to synchronise with Geoff & not have more than 1 carb / protein meal in a day...

I've probably been drinking a bit too much coffee. Its been decaf, but the issue is the milk (luckily I don't have sugar in tea or coffee.) My sister & mom have also introduced me to decaf Five Roses so Geoff and I have switched to that - it tastes like the caffinated stuff > Perhaps its just a marketing hoax?

I've been buying pineapples at the market shop near us (Rodgers)  -  3 for R10 !
Avos have also come down in price which is great....and I just ordered a serious amount of nuts and seeds from Ambassador foods today! You can even order online from them:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 61

This past weekend was Easter weekend. So, Easter, together with the fact that we moved on Thursday (nothing is in it's right place & the fresh food I had just got squished beyond edibility)...and that there was a stuff up with my barley grass order so I have not had any for a week....

As a result, I let go for the weekend (from Thursday) and let rip...mostly on Easter egg packaging!

Sunday started with chocolate for breakfast...I went to a braai at my sister in law's on Sunday & there were chocolate eggs before & between each stage of the meal....I ate so much chocolate over this weekend that by the time yesterday (Monday) evening came around, I actually just could not eat any more chocolate...! (I'm not surprised to find a couple of pimples brewing today)

Miraculously, the scale is tipping towards another 1/2kg loss... (perhaps because I've been combining chocolate...with chocolate!!! + getting lots of moving-related excersise) ...I've also been eating lots of fruit.

I've been very excited about 'Rogers Fruiterers' which just so happens to be the closest place from our new home to buy our food. On Saturday, I bought:

2 Pineapples + 4 Avos + 3 Peppers + 3 huge Bananas + 1 huge punnet of pink grapes = for R31 !!

I collected my barley grass this morning from the post office & had the recommended nut shake from Mary-Ann's "100 days" email this morning:

Take a cup of raw unsalted cashews or almonds and blend them in your food processor or blender until it is as fine as possible. Add a pineapple to this and dilute with fresh apple or orange juice. Have this for breakfast (multiply by as many people as you are serving if there is more than one of you.)
Add some frozen berries to make it particularly delicious!

Remember that the more often you eat throughout the day the less likely you will overeat at suppertime, so make sure you eat your snacks in between meals as suggested in your weekly program