The Natural Way has made such a profound impact on my health (and Geoff's for that matter). I can't believe its been a whole year and a bit since I last posted on this blog... but the great news is that my disciplined eating actually did pay off in the absolute best way possible! My body became ripe and ready for carrying a child! Geoff and I are currently about 4 weeks from meeting our little girl!
I have continued with reasonable eating throughout the pregnancy - and even continued to eat lots of fruit, although, the temptation to eat comfort Winter food has been really big, we plough through our fruit bowl at a rapid rate & we've got into the habit of keeping the nuts out in jars in order to snack healthily.
..and the great news is that at 34 weeks I had only put on 11kg! :)
I am sure that I will be posting some more about this as soon as she's born & I kick into a weight-loss mission in order to lose any excess pregnancy weight that may be lurking around my body... I hope that breastfeeding will assist me in my on-going mission & that together with The Natural Way, I can achieve perfect weight and perfect health.... where did I put those jellybeans.......